Home Tech How To Get 2fa In Fortnite (5 Steps)

How To Get 2fa In Fortnite (5 Steps)

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is the best security setting that you can use to secure your online accounts. Learn more about 2FA here.

Just the steps (Summarized Version)

To get 2FA in Fortnite follow these steps:

1. Go to your Epicgames Account Page.
2.Tap Password & Security in the Menu options.
3. Scroll down to your Fortnite 2FA Settings.
4.Choose your Fortnite 2FA method. 5.You’ll get a notification via your email address that your 2FA is successfully turned on.

To get 2FA in Fortnite Or Epicgames Account ,follow these simple steps .(Full Version)

1. Go To Your Epicgames Account Page.

First Step To Get 2FA In Fortnite.

You can access your epic games account page here,tap this link My Account.


2. Go To Your Menu.

Second Step To Get 2FA In Fortnite.

Your Menu automatically shows up in your Account Page, having trouble accessing your Menu? Troubleshoot the issue :
– Epicgames Account Page displays the menu well in your PC, so if you use a mobile browser to access the page it may not display the Menu properly.
– If you can’t use your PC at the moment, use an updated or a latest browser.
– Still can’t find the Menu? Try using Google Chrome browser.
– It still doesn’t display the menu? Change the view from mobile view to desktop view.


3. Tap Password And Security In The Menu.

Third Step To Get 2FA In Fortnite.

This is the option that allows you to modify or update your security settings including your password, your email address, and your 2FA in fortnite.

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4. Password And Security Settings.


Fourth Step To Get 2FA Fortnite.

When you click the Password and Security link a new page appears with these options :
– Change Your Password: This is where you can change your Password by providing the Current Password ,the New Password and Retyping The New Password for confirmation. Strong password tips: Make sure it’s longer than 6 characters, make sure it contains letters, numbers and some symbol.

– Sign out Remotely:The next to Change Your Password is Sign Out Other Sessions option,if you decide to sign out other sessions make sure this will sign you out of all the browsers , phones and computers you once signed in to your Epicgames account except the one you use at that moment.So if you’d like to do this,go on.

-Get 2FA in Fortnite : After that setting, you’d find the Two Factor Authentication option in the last part of the page. You can use any of the provided methods as your Fortnite 2FA.

Note : Any method you choose ,you’d be required to take a simple but tricky ‘ I’m not a robot ‘ test which is very similar to to Google reCAPTCHA. You’re presented with some images and asked whether a certain object or an animal is in the picture, say a horse or a dog,don’t rush ,answer the questions correctly and tap verify button. If you have any problem with the test,it’s perhaps a network connection error or you were in a hurry when selecting the required pictures,so you’re asked to select the matching images again.
Sometimes you’ll be asked to take the test twice for your security.

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There are three available methods for your Fortnite 2FA.

1. Third Party Authentication App:To use this feature simply tap the toggle beside the Third Party Authentication Option ,you’ll be asked to take a security test first,then set up your preferred authenticator app. You’ll finally be asked to provide a code from the authentication app to complete your Fortnite 2FA,provide the exact code,you’ll receive an email telling you that you’ve successfully turned on Fortnite 2FA using third party authentication app.
Authentication apps are those apps that generate one time authentication codes to use for your 2FA on the connected accounts. There are many authentication apps ,but these two are the best :
Google Authenticator and
Authy .

2. SMS Authentication : To turn on this method, tap the toggle beside the SMS Authentication option, you’ll also be required to take a security test. After you’ve successfully finished your test and answered all the questions correctly, you’ll be asked to provide the phone number you’ll use for your 2FA.Provide the phone number with your country code which could be found beside the phone number text field,tap to choose your country code (Though it uses the country code of your location by default)
If you use this method, read this guide on protecting your device so no bad actor get access to your security codes via spyware .

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3. Email Authentication : You can enable this authentication method to receive your 2FA codes.By default it automatically puts your primary email in the text field – that’s the email address you used when signing up .When asked to take the security test,do it carefully and answer the questions correctly. If you choose this method for your 2FA make sure you read this guide to secure your Gmail account.

When you finished everything carefully, a message similar to this will appear .

Get 2FA In Fortnite
Semi final step.

5. Email Address Notification

Fifth Step To Get 2FA In Fortnite.

When you’ve finished the steps to get 2FA in Fortnite, you’ll receive a notification via your email address that your 2FA is successfully turned on.This notification would be sent to the email address you used when creating your Fortnite account – your primary email address. If you don’t see any notification from Fortnite, do any of these :

– Try reviewing the steps, whether you did everything correct or not.

– Try checking whether you’re in the right email address,that’s the one you used when registering with Fortnite.

Have you any questions? Kindly ask in the comments section.


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